Friday, July 8, 2016

Surfing in Paradise

"Glassy, that state of grace: no wind, no noise, board shooting along, waves perfectly defined, absolutely themselves, their shape not affected by any other force, a realm of clarity and ease."
--Thomas Farber from "On Water"

Local surfers have been graced with ephemeral periods of glassy conditions during our early summer season when far-off waves from the Southern Hemisphere have reached the Monterey Bay.

Pods of dolphins were sighted frolicking in the surf zone yesterday. Water temp has hit the low 60s. Friends and neighbors have been enjoying the season together at various odd hours, from dawn to dusk, compliments of the sandbar provided by an early winter el nino.

One could rightly call what we have been experiencing "paradise." Be forever grateful. On our trip south last weekend we stopped in Santa Barbara and the sea air stank of thick, putrid oil, perhaps from the leak at Refugio some months ago. Perhaps from the pumping for oil on platforms off the Santa Barbara coast.

Thanks to our local representatives, in particular Leon Panetta and Sam Farr, for being instrumental in helping to designate Monterey Bay as a National Marine Sanctuary. We have an abundance of sea life out there as a result. The sea otters are back. Various species of whales, including humpback and orcas, are out there. We have one of the world's richest natural preserves in our front yard.

Surf conditions should continue to be fruitful for the next few days with a fair amount of waves for the picking.

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