Saturday, October 3, 2020

I Smell a Rat

Every morning for the past several months when I woke up the first thing I asked was, "Does he have Covid yet?"

It was a question I kept close to home. I didn't broadcast the matter, just wondered how is it that he has not contracted the novel coronavirus. 

There was that indoor rally in Tulsa that left a few attendees infected, but not his maskless self. The rallies and insults continued like a traveling nightmare.

When I saw the gathering in the Rose Garden at the so-called Republican Convention with rows of seats tightly filled with bodies of uncovered faces, I couldn't help but wonder. What's going on? There he was again, his jowly porcine face not wearing a mask, his body slumped over a lectern, expounding about all of the hoaxes that plagued him.

But not the virus.

And all those Republicans crammed together like little chicks in a box. Weren't they slightly worried about the contagion of a pandemic that had already ended the life of more than 200,000 Americans.

He's supposedly a germophobe. You'd think he would be wearing a hazmat suit. Behind the scenes, was he scrupulously cleansing himself, with his stewards fussing about him with spray bottles of sanitizer, Hydroxychloroquine and penetrating flashlights. Just last week we learned that he wrote off $70,000 of taxes for hair grooming.

Surely, he was being more careful than he let on.

Or, and that's a big OR, was Covid-19 really a hoax? Fake news? A Democratic Party conspiracy?

And now this. Thirty days before the General Election he announces, on Twitter, that he and his wife have tested positive for Covid-19. Really!? Next thing you know he's going to Walter Reed Hospital for observation, with mild symptoms.

Given his penchant for exaggeration and obfuscation, how are we expected to believe this?

Is this the October Surprise? Trick or Treat?

On one hand, it smells like a dirty trick, to gain sympathy, and with a quick recovery, announce that Covid is no big deal, just like he told us. He even got the "girls" to go in on it -- Hope, Kellyanne and Melania. They all tested positive. Supposedly.


On the other hand, the hand that I have been making a fist with all along, it was simply a matter of time and exposure before he of the cavalier macho-man mindset would be victim to the nonpartisan virus, that knows only a 74-year-old obese man is an easy target.

In this unreal year of 2020, I remain a skeptic. I am liable to believe anything or nothing. After that thing they called a debate last week, something's got to shut him up.

At least temporarily.

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