Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Good, Bad and Empty

I'm torn between keeping frequent tabs on the news or turning it off until Christmas. Or at least until we have a new president, preferably a health-care expert.

On a scale of 1-10, my anxiety level is a 10.5. I am now taking my temperature with a Geiger counter.

My daughter says it's all a conspiracy of the pharmaceutical industry to shoot another vaccine into our veins.

I don't believe that but I have entertained the notion that, since we are house-bound, the virus was developed by Netflix.

If my dear mother were still alive, she would point out that we could have avoided the whole thing if we had listened to Nostradamus.

So many conspiracies. So few options. Just stay put. Keep a "social distance" from people. Wash your hands 500-times a day. Forget getting tested unless you're practically dead.

On the positive side:

There's very little traffic on the island. Parking is a snap, even without a handicap badge. People are not hugging and slobbering over each other.

Animals are immune, including our pets.

I'm feeling better already.

I think I'll go surfing.

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